Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lost Again...!

So...I just started playing World of Warcrack—er, Warcraft, I mean, and it's really a gas.  I played mostly as my undead mage on a regular PVP (player vs. player) server, but then I ended on an RP/PVP server as a human mage.  (For the uninitiated, a regular server is where you're just playing for the sake of playing the game and you're not any sort or specific character.  On the other hand, a Role Play/RP server is where you come up with a character and a backstory and you play the game as that person, in character.)

At any rate, I've really been enjoying myself even though I'm playing on the Alliance side instead of the Horde side, which is what I generally prefer.

This's all just to lead up to my newest piece of art, titled "Lost AGAIN!"
This is the first time I've ever done a full coloured background on the computer, so I hope it worked out.

On the home front...I need more money.  And less fat.  And more storage space.  Does the year seem to be just sliding away to anyone else?  I blink and a month and a half has gone by.


K said...

We must be related - more money, less fat, more storage space. Although I will point out that if you have more storage space somewhere, that will automatically sort that out for me. Heh. Love the picture. Don't know about this Warcrack stuff.

Ginna said...

I like it, even though as you know, I know nothing about the game. I really like the computer background. Cool beans.
And yes, the year is slipping by. Sometimes I wish it would speed up, other times I really wish it would sloooow down.