Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good Night Nurse!

I don't think anybody's bothering to read this anymore, but if you are--here is the latest artistic offering.


K said...

It's hard to keep readers when you don't post often. At least, that's what I find. My friend Linda posts every day and is giving tutorials and talking about her quiet family life, and she has 600 followers. She's cultivated her place. I haven't cultivated mine, I guess. But I still read you, whenever you post. And I commented on the nurse. But I'd rather comment here. I think she's really well done. Clean lines. Great legs and shoes.

Guy said...

I wish you didn't think we wouldn't read it, silly girl

Unknown said...

Here is another comment.

mistyc0x said...

i am not sure how she can look a little scary and appealing at the same time. is it just me? or maybe it is because i just had 3 needles in my arm 2 nights ago...that could be it ;)

i like her.

i like your blog and i am glad you posted. kiss kiss kiss. :)

Ginna said...

She looks like somebody fun to know I think. I like it a lot, and I like her shoes!